Blog archive for May 2013
Photoshop week in 7 mind blowing tutorials
May 14th 2013

Photoshop Week

To mark the release of Photoshop CS6 (as well as the rest of the Creative Suite) we have combined the list of 7 tutorials that were posted everyday for a week on our social network pages. These tutorials covered everything from the photo manipulation to the step-by-step logo design. Just in case you have missed it, look inside for the full day-by-day list.

Remove outline property from the links (inc. IE6 & IE7)
May 2nd 2013

There are times when you create a navigation layout that just cannot bear the outline property that is being added by browsers. Although it is not an issue in most of the latest ones, some of the older browsers such as IE 6 & 7 can give you a bit of a hard time accepting your unwillingness to use its standards. However, just as any other ’bug’, this one’s got a solution too.

Hit ’read more’ to find out just how it can be solved in few simple steps.