How early should I be thinking about seasonal custom web design?
September 6th 2021

It’s that time of year now where summer has come to an end and high street shops are beginning to think about the autumn/winter season. You may have spotted pumpkins appearing in window displays ahead of Halloween, and maybe even Christmas decorations creeping onto the shelves as well! Whilst many people like to joke about these displays appearing earlier and earlier each year, getting advertising messages out there early can be key for businesses to ensure success in the winter period - particularly as some customer bases begin seasonal shopping up to a year in advance of the occasion!

So realistically, how early should you think about seasonal promotions and when is the best time to launch your business’s custom seasonal marketing?

As with many custom web design questions, the answer isn’t straight forward. Here at Kartogram, our experienced custom web design team suggests that lead time for seasonal promotion will depend on the following:

1. Your customer baseHow well do you know your audience? Do the different segments of your target market have different shopping habits? Think about your typical customer and what their priorities are when it comes to buying - these may change based on the season or holiday, so you should adjust your lead time for custom promotional designs and offers accordingly. 

2. Your industryIs your industry associated with a particular occasion, holiday, or season? Even if your business doesn’t directly lend itself to a certain time of year, you should be aware of your wider industry and pitch your promotions to match those of related businesses - it could help you to achieve sales if you organise offers in line with seasonal peaks, even if your product or service is popular all year round. 

3. Your product or servicePerhaps the most obvious factor to consider is your product or service, and what type of purchase a customer is likely to make when engaging with your business. Do you offer something that would make a great gift, or does your business provide something that an individual would buy for themselves? Would you consider your product or service as an essential or a treat?

Taking a look at all of these details will help you to pinpoint the best time of year to launch your custom seasonal advertising. Generally, it’s never too early to promote and if in doubt, opt to go live as soon as possible. There’s nothing more disappointing than paying for seasonal design campaigns that launch too late and don’t yeild sales! Return on investment is key! 

Are you beginning to think about your next seasonal promotion? If you could do with a hand when it comes to custom web design materials or online website updates, get in touch with Kartogram today. Our friendly team of custom web designers are on hand to support your business through custom seasonal marketing campaigns - here to help as much or as little as you need us. Contact Kartogram to learn more about what our design agency can do for you this winter. 

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